Diseases We Treat

Conditions treated
Psoriatic Arthritis
Psoriatic Arthritis, abbreviated “PsA” is a chronic autoimmune disorder and inflammatory arthritis. While many patients also have a form of skin Psoriasis, we frequently encounter patients who may have musculoskeletal manifestations without skin Psoriasis. Here at AOC, we have a keen interest in diagnosing and treating Psoriatic Arthritis. This disease can be very difficult to diagnose in patients without skin disease. Our care center arguably has the most experience in diagnosing and treating this disease in the local area. Like Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), PsA can affect a variety of joints. Somewhat unique to PsA compared to RA is the ability of the disease to inflame tendon structures. This problem is often termed ‘Enthesitis’ and our providers carefully evaluate Enthesitis by physical exam. Patients we have ultimately diagnosed with PsA often suffer for years with various tendinitis and bursitis syndromes. Some patients have recurrent Plantar fasciitis. It is important to understand that treating PsA aggressively will help avoid future joint damage and disability. Here at AOC we are constantly gathering information from our patients and adjusting medications regimens to achieve Minimal Disease Activity (MDA) in Psoriatic Arthritis. Outcomes are improving using this approach and aggressive treatments By following this methodical approach, we have found PsA patients are better able to reduce pain, fatigue and live more active, fuller lives.